Happy 1st Birthday Baby George xXx
2013 December 06
Created by Emma Moore 10 years ago
Your first birthday should have been filled with laughs and cheer,
But all we kept thinking was 'I wish that George was here'.
We bought you balloons, cards and a cake,
But holding a party without you just made my heart ache.
This wasn't the way I had dreamed of your special first big day,
You should have been with us to celebrate not so far away.
We tried to stay strong, we laughed and we cried,
But I couldn't help feeling sad as hard as I tried.
My beautiful friends bought you a bench engraved with your name,
The fact you'll never grow to sit on it is such a heartbreaking shame.
We sang you Happy Birthday and looked up to the sky,
I don't think a single one of us managed not to cry.
We let off your balloons with our cards tied on the string,
But they caught on Nanna's tree instead of soaring.
Grandad climbed up today to rescue them for you,
So I'm sorry there a day later than from when they were due.
We hope you felt our love and kisses reach you from up there,
The fact we can't physically give you them will never seem fair.
As Christmas draws near Nanna's put outside a star,
For you to look at and know we are remembering you wherever you are.
As each December passes I hope you know I'll never forget,
The mummy you made me into, I'm forever in your debt.
I can't believe a year has passed since I was blessed with your life,
Thinking of the day I met you cuts deep like a knife.
Those ten months we got to watch you slowly growing up,
Just feel like they were somehow not quite long enough.
Although I'm forever grateful you were given us to bring such joy,
I miss you more than words can explain my special, beautiful little boy.
Love you always
Mummy xxxxx