Daddy's Poem

2016 October 06

Created by Emma Moore 8 years ago
Hello beautiful boy,

3 years today since I last saw your beautiful smile that could light up a room and fill everyone with giddy joy. 3 years since I last cuddled you tight and held you in my arms. 3 years since I tucked you into bed and woke up to your beaming grin in the morning. It's really not fair that all these things had to end so suddenly when our life together had just begun. We had so much more to do together, so many more places to see and so many adventures to take. It isn't right that so much time has passed now without you here with us, it breaks my heart to think of all the things your missing out on and all the things you could be teaching your little brother.

Everyday without you is a struggle but especially at this time of year because it takes me right back to that day I lost you. Those painful memories resurface and I can't keep the tears from coming. I hope you know I try to keep strong the rest of the time and I hope you see the fun Mummy and Henry have together and the times he waves to your photos. We will always remember and love you and talk about you because you are always in our hearts.

Daddy wrote you a poem tonight which I hope you like:

Life goes on 
And time passes by 
But I still find it hard not to cry

For all the times that could have been
And for all of the things that we might have seen 
Theres not a day that passes by where your not in my heart 

Here then gone you've flown away 
I know that we'll meet though again someday 
But until then time goes on 
And in your memory I will carry on 
Never beaten and never feeling down 
I can see you there with your halo crown
With love and kisses everyday 
My feelings for you will never go away 
I write this now with hope and optimism 
I won't let this pain hold me in a prison
With your smile so young you went 
I think you must have been from heaven sent 

He misses you so much too but he finds it harder to talk about and think about because he doesn't like to get upset. I hope you saw tonight just how many people are remembering you and helping mummy to feel better with their kind words, we are truly blessed to have so many caring people in our lives George and I know you are watching down to check in on us every now and again.

I will write again soon my little one but until then I'm sending you the biggest squeeze and biggest kiss filled with all my love.

I miss you George and I so wish you had got to stay, Im sorry that I couldn't do more to save you. I love you always and forever, mummy xxxxx
