My Angel

2013 November 05

Created by Emma Moore 10 years ago
From a newborn baby growing into a little boy, All the time we spent with you brought us so much joy. I can't stop thinking how it isn't fair, That I am here while you are there. It kills me to think that we're so far apart, But I keep you safe and close forever in my heart. The memories we shared no one ever can replace, Our cuddles, our adventures, your smiling face. I was so proud and happy to be your mum, Now learning to be without you leaves me feeling numb. You will always be forever a part of me, Until we are reunited again as a family you'll see. I love you more than words could ever say, I'll miss you more every passing day. Life is so cruel that you couldn't stay, But although I can't see you I feel your never far away. My only wish is that your happy wherever you are, And that my love and kisses reach you whether your near or far. Mummy will be with you again one day, So until then have fun, keep laughing and play. Your spirit will reach me in my dreams I pray, My beautiful Angel, my baby, my shining ray xxxx